The world of fashion is changing. Whilst in the past fashion was primarily enjoyed by the wealthy and elite, nowadays the big fashion brands want everyone to feel included. They are slowly expanding their focus to include a broader, more diverse audience.

Initially, clothing was custom-made for the affluent. This gave way to mass production, which offered a wider range of styles at accessible prices but lacked a personal touch.

Today, the fashion world is witnessing a fascinating trend: the fusion of traditional, high-quality tailoring with the accessibility and variety of modern mass-market production.

This shift towards a broader audience has increasingly led fashion brands to use fashion communication strategies to connect with everyday consumers.

So what is fashion communication? And why does it matter in today’s fashion scene?

Keep reading to learn what fashion communication is, some major brand communication strategies that leading fashion brands use, and how fashion communication can help build your own fashion brand.

What is Fashion Communication?

Fashion communication is about telling stories. It uses different tools such as photos, writing, social media, and design to share style, identity, and ideas and enhance the cultural significance of fashion.

Fashion communication acts as a bridge between fashion designers and everyday people. Creating engaging content helps people understand and connect with fashion brands and trends. In a nutshell, it’s all about making fashion enjoyable and accessible to everyone.

For instance, Everlane is a clothing brand known for its commitment to ethical production and total transparency. Their fashion communication strategy revolves around these core values:

  • Transparency in pricing: They break down the true cost of each garment, showing the cost of manufacturing, materials, labour, and their profit margin.
  • Ethical manufacturing: They highlight their partnerships with ethical factories and good working conditions.
  • High-quality materials: They focus on using quality materials to create long-lasting garments
  • Minimalist aesthetic: Their brand voice is clean, simple, and direct, reflecting their clothing designs.

This way Everlane can keep up with current market communication trends. They resonate with a generation of people who value transparency and sustainability.

Why Brand Visibility Matters

Advertisements are everywhere, giving people endless choices. So, to grab attention, brands must stand out. In fashion, visibility is crucial for engaging with the audience and driving consistent sales.

Here are a few reasons why fashion communication is crucial for boosting brand visibility:

Building Trust and Credibility

People tend to trust brands they recognise. A consistently visible brand across various channels, such as social media, online platforms, and traditional media, gives a sense of familiarity and reliability.

This repeated exposure makes people perceive the brand as trustworthy. Trust is essential for building strong and lasting relationships with your target audience.

Differentiating Your Brand

There are so many fashion brands online these days, it’s hard to get noticed. So how can your brand stand out from the crowd? Being clear and consistent about your brand helps you create a special identity for your business.

A good brand identity means that when people see or hear the name of the brand, they recognise it and know what to expect. This makes them more likely to think of you when they want to make a purchase.

Boosting Customer Engagement

Visibility alone isn’t enough. You also need to engage with your customers. Social media, websites, and other online tools are great ways to keep them involved.

Some of the leading fashion brands create smart fashion communication strategies using these platforms to sustain meaningful conversations and conversions.

Responding to customers’ queries, sharing interesting facts or tips, and conducting online discussions help brand recall and make people feel like they are part of something bigger.

For instance, according to a Statista report, most people use social media to discover brands. Instagram, in particular, has become a popular place for businesses to advertise. Companies can show their products and services using photos, tags, stories, and reels. This can be particularly helpful for a fashion start-up to reach more customers.

Moreover, Instagram has made influencer marketing more popular, with many creators partnering with brands. Additionally, many fashion brands are now using TikTok to increase their brand visibility and join in on the latest short video trends.

Driving Business Growth

Ultimately, the goal of any business is growth. The more people see your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you. This is just as important for keeping existing customers engaged as it is for bringing new customers in.

The more familiar people are with your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you. This makes your brand valuable and drives growth.

How to Improve Your Brand Communication Strategy

Creating a brand communication strategy is essential in fashion communication. It goes beyond simply telling people what your brand is all about. It is about creating a narrative that resonates with people and shapes their perception of your brand.

Here is how to build an effective brand communication strategy:

Identify Your Target Audience

Research your target audience, their demographics, buying habits, motivations, and preferred communication channels. Develop buyer personas for each customer type to tailor your content to their needs and interests.

Set Communication Goals

Define specific goals for your brand communication, such as building trust, increasing engagement, or driving conversions. These goals will guide your strategy, helping you deliver core messages and measure effectiveness.

Develop a Consistent Brand Voice

Determine your brand’s personality and communicate it authentically across all channels. Consistency is key to creating an authentic brand personality that customers can connect with emotionally.

A great example of a fashion brand with a consistent brand voice is Patagonia.

Patagonia is known for its outdoor apparel and gear, but its brand voice goes beyond just selling products. They focus on environmental activism and a love for the outdoors. Their voice is:

  • Passionate: They clearly communicate their deep love for nature and a desire to protect it.
  • Authentic: Their messaging feels genuine and avoids empty sustainability claims.
  • Action-oriented: They don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk with initiatives like activism campaigns and repair programmes for their products.
  • Humorous (at times): They use a touch of humour to connect with their audience, but it never detracts from their core message.

Choose Appropriate Communication Channels

Identify the channels your target audience prefers and engage with them there. For example, younger generations may prefer digital channels such as social media, while older generations may prefer traditional channels such as TV and radio.

Implement Communication Strategies

Use engaging visual content, personalised messaging, email marketing, and customer insights to drive engagement and build relationships. Coordinate internal and external communication to ensure consistency and alignment with your brand message.

Evaluate and Evolve

Continuously measure the success of your brand communication strategy and adjust as needed. Monitor metrics such as engagement rates and sentiment analysis to analyse the effectiveness of your strategy and make improvements over time. Additionally, streamline the operational process to enhance your communication strategy.

By following these steps, you can create an effective brand communication strategy as that resonates with your target audience and drives meaningful connections with your brand.

In conclusion, if you are interested in communicating through fashion and leading brands are built, then a fashion communication course is an ideal choice.

Fashion communication can help you learn about how to build an emotional connection with your audience.

So, if you are curious about learning the inner dynamics at work in fashion communication, then consider enrolling in a fashion communication course at the London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA) London Campus.

LCCA’s innovative Bachelor’s in Fashion Management and Marketing is designed by the University for the Creative Arts. The course is structured to keep up with the fast-paced fashion world.

You will learn about fashion buying, merchandising, forecasting, management strategy, marketing, branding, and international business. By the end of the course, you will be able to approach fashion from a creative business perspective.

Learn more about the BA(Hons)Fashion Management & Marketing course offered by the London College of Contemporary Arts.


  1. What are fashion communication strategies?

Fashion communication strategies are roadmaps for how a brand uses various channels to tell its story and connect with its target audience. This involves creating a message that reflects the brand’s identity, values, and purpose, and then using the right tools to deliver the message effectively. These strategies can encompass everything from traditional advertising and public relations to social media marketing and influencer outreach.

  1. What are some key elements of successful fashion communication?

  • Strong brand identity
  • Targeted messaging
  • Compelling and engaging content
  • Omnichannel approach
  • Consistency
  1. How can social media be used effectively for fashion communication?

Social media is a powerful tool for fashion communication, helping brands to connect with their audience directly. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Visually appealing content
  • Storytelling
  • Influencer marketing
  • Community building
  • Social listening
  1. How important is sustainability in fashion communication

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in fashion communication. People are more environmentally conscious and want to support brands that are committed to ethical practices. Here are some key priniples:

  • Highlight sustainable practices
  • Transparency
  • Partner with sustainable influencers
  • Showcase sustainable products

By effectively communicating your commitment to sustainability, you can attract environmentally conscious consumers and build brand loyalty.