Did you know that there are 600 million blogs worldwide? Every day, people publish 3.2 million new blogs online.

While nearly 77% of all internet users still prefer reading blogs, it can be hard to find instant help by scanning through millions of long posts. (Source: ryrob.com)

When pressed for time and needing a quick answer, people prefer to use social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter etc. They circulate trending graphics, animations, microblogs, designs, art, videos, movie snippets, and memes.

Here’s an example of the demand for visual communication today:

YouTube is a global online video-sharing platform with 2.5 billion users who watch close to 1 billion hours of videos every day! Just imagine how large your customer base can be if you are a skilled graphic designer who uses YouTube to your advantage.

In today's job market, skilled graphic designers have many job opportunities. The work also brings immense fulfilment.

  • But how do you become a top graphic designer?
  • What are the skills needed to become a graphic designer?
  • What is the scope of graphic design?
  • Is graphic design still in demand?
  • How do you develop your skill set in graphic design in the age of AI?
  • Where is the best place to get started in graphic design?

This article will answers to these questions and give you clear advice on how to start your journey into graphic design in this promising industry.

Is graphic design worth it?

Good visuals are vital for gaining customers. Visual media has a lasting impact on audiences, unlike written or spoken communication.

A study found that people can remember up to 65% of visual media information. This includes videos, photos, movies, graphics, and art. (Source: clearinfo)

Today, the attention span of the regular customer has been reduced to just eight seconds. Anything you say or do within the first eight seconds can decide whether you gain or lose the modern customer. (Source: storifyme)

So yes, investing in a graphic design course or learning how to use the latest graphic design software can be of much help to you in your career.

What is visual storytelling?

Visual storytelling is the art of using visuals to communicate ideas, messages, and emotions. It's a powerful tool used by graphic designers, marketers, educators, and anyone who wants to capture attention and leave a lasting impression.

Visual storytelling (also known as graphic design storytelling or digital storytelling) goes beyond presenting information.

It uses elements like illustrations, photographs, typography, colour, and negative space to create a narrative that resonates with the audience.

What are the characteristics of good graphic design and visual storytelling?

  • Capture attention: In a world overflowing with content, visuals grab attention and make a lasting impact. They can help people remember your brand or business for longer.
  • Boosts customer engagement: Compelling visuals keep viewers engaged and interested in the story you're telling.
  • Improve retention of information: People remember visuals better than text alone.
  • Evoke strong emotions: Visuals can tap into our emotions and create a deeper connection with the message.
  • Simplifies complex ideas: Complex concepts can be more understandable when represented through animations, videos etc.
  • Enhance your brand identity: Visual storytelling helps establish a strong brand identity and differentiates you from competitors.

How to develop your graphic design skills for visual storytelling

Becoming a skilled visual storyteller requires a combination of technical skills and creative thinking. Here’s how you can become a top graphic designer this year.

Some graphic design tips to remember:

1. Mastering the fundamentals:

A strong foundation in design principles through good graphic design training is crucial. This includes understanding elements like:

  • Color theory: Learn how colours influence emotions and how to use colour palettes.
  • Typography: Explore different fonts and their impact on the message.
  • Layout and composition: Understand how to arrange elements on a page to create a pleasing and balanced design.
  • Design software: Familiarise yourself with industry-standard software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

2. Honing your observational skills:

Great visual storytellers are keen observers of the world around them. Pay attention to how visuals are used in advertising, packaging, and other design applications. Analyse what works and why.

3. Practice everyday:

The more you practice, the better you'll become. Look for opportunities to create designs for yourself, friends, or even volunteer projects. This allows you to experiment, refine your skills, and build a strong design portfolio.

4. Develop your visual library:

Collect and curate inspirational visuals that resonate with you. Using sites like Pinterest and Tumblr can be a great place to start. This could be anything from paintings and photographs to advertisements and website designs. This visual library can serve as a source of inspiration when tackling new projects.

5. Stay up to date with trends:

The design industry is evolving. Keep yourself informed about the latest design trends, graphic design software updates and tools to ensure your skills remain relevant. Get educated in using AI tools for graphic design.

AI cannot replace graphic designers, but if you learn to use AI tools like Midjourney, DALLE-2, ChatGPT, Galileo etc. you can have an advantage over other designers in the marketplace. Enrolling on graphic design courses from reputed schools and universities can expose you to a network of industrious designers.

This can help motivate you to become a better version of yourself and give you many business opportunities and ideas.

Graphic design tips for effective visual storytelling

  • Know your audience: Tailor your visuals to resonate with your target audience. Consider their demographics, interests, and preferences.
  • Start with a strong concept: A clear concept is the foundation of any successful visual story.
  • Less is more: Avoid cluttering your designs with too many elements. Keep it clean and focused.
  • Hierarchy and emphasis: Use visual hierarchy to guide the viewer's eye and highlight important information.
  • Embrace white space: Don't be afraid to use white space. It can create a sense of calm and allow your visuals to breathe.
  • Tell a story: Every visual should contribute to the narrative you're trying to convey.
  • Feedback is key: Get feedback on your work from peers, mentors, or design professionals.

In conclusion

Visual storytelling is a powerful tool that can elevate your graphic design skills and help you create truly impactful work. By mastering the fundamentals, honing your observation skills, and practising regularly, you can develop the skills for effective digital storytelling.

If you would like to enrol on a graphic design course that can help you become business-ready and make you an asset in the competitive creative industry, consider the BA(Hons) in Graphic Design from LCCA.

Click here to contact us or learn more!

This blog was written by Rebecca Paulraj and edited by Candice McDowell


  • How do I become a skilled graphic designer?

You can always sign up for top graphic design courses at institutes with good industry connections and placement assistance options. You can get the training you need and devote time to building your design talent. The mentorship and guidance you receive along with the challenges you overcome in this course can help build your skills. The most important element in becoming a skilled graphic designer is daily practice and dedication.

  • What resources can help develop design skills?

Some of the best resources for developing your graphic design skills are internships, part-time projects, paid assignments, graphic design courses, free online courses on graphic design, reputed authors in the field of design, diplomas, bachelor's degrees, and master's degrees in design.

  • How to develop your graphic design skills as a beginner?

Sign up for a foundational course in graphic design, you can find many good courses in graphic design for economic prices. You can also sign up for LCCA’s BA(Hons) in Graphic Design. This course can help you become ready for business and the creative industry demands of today.